Broadway in the Post Covid Era , with Guest Blogger Susan Matysse.
Broadway in the post-Covid era. Or, my President’s Day weekend in the city! Saturday, February 19th. We settle into John’s mother’s little studio apartment and have burgers for dinner. The arrangement was that we would sleep over in her place after the IRTE improv show down on W. 44th Street, so that instead of running back to Grand Central for a late train home, we could have quality time to hang out with our friends. Friends we haven’t spent much time with in over two years. This was our attempt to come back out from being shut in through 2020 and ‘21. New York City is recovering from the pandemic shutdown, but it’s still ongoing and very bumpy. We are all used to keeping our masks on and presenting our vaccine cards at admission. One lead actress in this evening’s comedy, called “Tammy’s Bachelorette Party”, tested positive for Covid and had to stay home in quarantine even though she suffered no symptoms, and another actress was just sick with a cold, so...