How and why am I able to dodge the Covid bullet?

As you can see for the umpteenth time, I registered negative for Covid. I live in a sparsely populated area in Yonkers. When Covid hit New York, guns blazing, I immediately ensconced myself in my apartment. I counted my “blessings”… I work from home. There’s no need for me to go in a densely populated area like the city. As I said above, I work in the middle of nowhere. Odds are I won’t bump into someone who might be carrying the bug. I learned basic hygiene as far back as nursery school. I probably learned it even earlier since mom bordered on germophobia in the presence of a newborn babe. Sure and I stocked up on masks and hand cleaner sprays, courtesy of New York State. We had a decent amount of toilet paper, so we wouldn’t wind up wiping our asses with issues of the New York Post. As an aside, what was the BIG DEAL about stockpiling on toilet paper? There was an airborne virus that attacked the lungs, and we were obsessed with not hav...