Dream 01/16/2023: Reunion at High School

I found myself at a reunion at my high school. I had brought my art portfolio which I assembled over the four years I worked there. I open the portfolio and examine my work dating back to my teenage years. I hated it, not only because it was the work of a child, but that I had not practiced since my graduation. As a result, my talent not just stalled, but regressed. A fellow alumna approached me. She said she was now part of the Shen Yun dancing troupe. We got into conversation and I told her I had become a filmmaker - a half truth, since I was also out of practice with that discipline. Excited, she asked me if I could film her leaping over a hedge. I managed to corral some fellow alumni and we built a slide ramp on which she can dance. We orchestrated how she would slide down the ramp and leap into the air. We fixed a camera on a pendulum to film her slide down the ramp and leap through the air. We disc...