I Had a Scare Concerning my Mom.
No fancy photos or artwork with this entry. I just have to express my recent fears and anxieties concerning my Mom. My mother is 91 years old as of last June. It was quite a milestone to be sure, but her health is deteriorating. That should come as no surprise considering her age. She has neuropathy in her feet, which requires her to use a walker wherever she goes. Her posture is severely bent. Her voice is audible, but it has a "sweet little old lady" quaver to it that just breaks my heart every time I hear it. In addition to the neuropathy, she had fractured her hip a few years back, which was another factor in requiring a walker. My wife and I were coming back from a visit to the American Museum of Natural History. By the time we had arrived at the train station, we received a call from MedicAlert. They informed us she had called them saying she felt weak and barely able to move. Being a very emotional person, I was freaking out as to w...