I Just Saw the Most Kick Ass Kaiju vs. Samurai Battle in Fate / Grand Order Babylonia!

While running through Fate / Grand Order Absolute Demonic Front Babylonia a second time, I kicked back to contemplate the best fight I've ever seen in anime ever.  I'd argue it even put the battle between Tetsuo and Kaneda in Akira to shame.

Titled "Ushiwakamaru vs. Tiamat," it was nominated for Best Fight Scene in the 2020 Crunchyroll Anime Awards.

To give the uninitiated some background, King Gilgamesh of Uruk summoned servants from various times and places to fight at his side against the Three Goddess Alliance.  Among them are King Leonidas of Sparta, the gender-swapped samurai general Ushiwakamaru and the disgraced ronin Benkei.

When Tiamat, the most powerful of the Three Goddess Alliance makes her advance on the fortress city of Uruk, Ushiwakamaru leads the offensive against the serpentine deity.  She deftly hacks off the heads of one giant serpent after the other and confuses her enemy further by multiplying herself into seven "clones" that ride the tendrils of Tiamat's serpent heads and continue to slash off the ever growing Hydra-like heads of Tiamat.  Ushiwakamaru knows she will most likely not win the battle, but her stoic dedication to driving her enemy back makes her relentless.

Ushiwakamaru, Illustration by Sakamoto Mineji

Alright, enough chit-chat.  Here's the link to the battle, courtesy of Kensoryū Kishima on YouTube.




  1. Keep in mind I take your account seriously. But “Crunchyroll Anime Awards” makes me hungry for sushi. 🙂


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