
Showing posts from April, 2022

What I Have Been Doing Instead of Writing.

  I've been working hard... at doing nothing. In the past few days, I have received a PlayStation controller in the mail, downloaded Sid Meier's Civilization VI , and purchased a crowdfunded comic book titled Doc Alpha:  Miracle Child.    So far, I have paired the controller with my computer.  I've browsed over the map of my city state in Civ VI in vain attempts to control trade and troop movements.  I haven't even read the first page of Doc Alpha . I've been following livestreams on YouTube about assorted pop culture detritus.  I'm rapidly losing interest in the content as they mostly bemoan the "death" of everything from Star Wars, Star Trek, and Doctor Who to Marvel and DC Comics.  Yes, I know.  The glory days have gone.  Thanks for the update.  Well, it's not your fault I'm watching your livestreams.  You haven't bolted me to my chair and pried my eyes open against my will.  I could just stop.   I've been wakin...

I Have Decided to Give Up Writing.

A s the subject line says, I have decided to give up writing.   I do not have the discipline or the desire to work on a single line  of dialogue day to day.   Whenever I see a video about writing craft on YouTube, I do not watch it.   I think it’s because I feel ashamed about not writing for  large gaps of time. My day begins with watching what is called a “livestream” on  Youtube.  It is about stream of consciousness nonsense that  I watch passively.  I then watch something on Netflix and take  a nap afterwards.  Then I walk to a small town to drink  a cappuccino at the local pizza shop. After that, I take the bus home.   I don’t scribble a single l ine, not one letter, not even a keystroke. I dedicated myself to making one entry per day on my blog.  It has  been countless weeks since I have done that.  The blog has been  inert since January. I recently watched a video about an auth...