What I Have Been Doing Instead of Writing.


I've been working hard... at doing nothing.

In the past few days, I have received a PlayStation controller in the mail, downloaded Sid Meier's Civilization VI, and purchased a crowdfunded comic book titled Doc Alpha:  Miracle Child.  

So far, I have paired the controller with my computer.  I've browsed over the map of my city state in Civ VI in vain attempts to control trade and troop movements.  I haven't even read the first page of Doc Alpha.

I've been following livestreams on YouTube about assorted pop culture detritus.  I'm rapidly losing interest in the content as they mostly bemoan the "death" of everything from Star Wars, Star Trek, and Doctor Who to Marvel and DC Comics.  Yes, I know.  The glory days have gone.  Thanks for the update.  Well, it's not your fault I'm watching your livestreams.  You haven't bolted me to my chair and pried my eyes open against my will.  I could just stop. 

I've been waking up at various hours and finding myself unable to go back to sleep.  Sometimes I slouch over to the couch in the living room in hopes that the new environment will help me sleep.  Sometimes I find no respite there either, as I toss and turn around restlessly.  As a result, I will fall asleep while watching YouTube clips of Seth Meyers and Stephen Colbert with Susan next to me.

Sometimes I fall asleep in the middle of the day.

Sometimes I fall asleep in front of my computer.

Just like I did ten minutes ago.

I often let three days go by before I take a shower.  My daily outings involve walking into town in good weather and bussing in bad weather to run a few errands at most or at least hunker down at the local pizza shop for my almost daily cappuccino.  I've earned the nickname "Cappuccino Man" from the owner as that is my usual purchase.  Sometimes I see myself aging further into my Cappuccino Man persona over the next twenty to thirty years.

Last night, I dreamt that it was already 2024 and Trump won all of Massachusetts with the electoral college votes.  He took an uncharacteristic victory lap in an Olympic sized pool, presumably at Harvard (I have never been on Harvard grounds in my life).  The he pulled his bulk to the edge of the pool and allowed me to play "butt bongo" on his massive ass cheeks.  Someone took me aside and asked, "Do you even know where those buttocks have been?"

The dream continued with the band Alice In Chains performing a memorial show for their late lead singer Layne Staley in a record store.  Note:  Every major record store I know of in the city has long since been closed.  I pick up my discs at a secondhand store in the town neighboring mine.  It doesn't even have enough room to let a band set up for an acoustic jam.  Nonetheless, AIC found space and played their hearts out.

The dream concluded with me exiting an Uber ride to an abandoned mall in the late evening during the dead of winter.  I have had this dream more than once.  What does it mean?  I'll have to think about it.

Suze is preparing breakfast.  I'm done for now.

Remember, this is not really writing.  Not professional, anyway.

I'm done.



  1. Y’know, there was an alt comic strip called ‘Too Much Coffee Man’…


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