
Showing posts from December, 2022

Happy Blog-iversary!

  It's been one year and seven days since my first blog involving a carpet and the long, winding history behind its design. Since then I've written about film, music, art, television, musicals, anime, cyborgs, artificial intelligence, quitting writing, resuming writing, meditation, contemplation, cogitation, good, evil, post-it notes... Oh, and Boba Fett.  I can't forget Boba Fett. You may have also checked out my other blog page, The Inanna-verse, which deals with everything involving my scripts, art, comedy, and YouTube videos dedicated to the Sumerian goddess.  I don't worship her.  I swear.  I don't worship anyone or anything.  Except perhaps my own overblown ego. I've even had my wife Susan write a few guest blogs.  There was one about the one season Cop Rock series and another about David Byrne's American Utopia on Broadway.  The last one had the most feedback on this page. Needless to say, I'm jealous of my wife. Oh, there is another a...

The Banality of Stella’s Evil - Wir Kinder Vom Bahnhof Zoo

Amazon Studios’ miniseries Wir Kinder Vom Bahnhof Zoo (We, the Children from Bahnhof Zoo) splits Christiane F's perspective into six characters:   Christiane, Stella, Babsi, Axel, Benno, and Michi.   Some of the ensemble meet fatal ends.   Some piece their lives back together and carry on as normal people would.   Some find true love when on the verge of death. And then there’s Stella. Of the six Zoo children, Stella has suffered the most.   At the beginning of the story, Stella and her very young siblings greet her mother who returns from rehabilitation for her alcoholism.   Stella works in the pub run by her family, where the escape of alcohol dangles before them as low hanging fruit.   One pivotal day, while closing up the pub, Stella is raped by a regular barfly as her mother lies in a drunken stupor.   When Stella demands that her rapist be taken by the police and sent to jail, her attacker shrugs it off as “fooling around.” One night, while...

We, the Children from Bahnhof Zoo - A Review.

  NOTA BENE:   This review contains spoilers. Tribalism and alienation have been part of the youthful experience long before modern times. In the late 1970s, a teenage girl going by the name Christiane F. was interviewed by two journalists from Stern magazine about her experiences as a heroin addict and prostitute in the seedy Berlin Zoologischer Garten station - commonly known as Bahnhof Zoo.   The series of articles soon became the bestselling book Christiane F. - Wir Kinder Vom Bahnhof Zoo (We, the Children from Bahnhof Zoo).   It was adapted into a film in 1981, which received great critical acclaim. Christiane’s misadventures were once again adapted into the 2021 miniseries Wir Kinder Vom Bahnhof Zoo which was produced in part and released by Amazon Studios.   The series expands from Christiane being the sole protagonist to an ensemble cast of six and their individual experiences with life, love, drugs, joy, and sorrow. Christiane begins her adventure ne...

Unfinished Tales, or, A Poem Only a Vogon Could Love.

Unfinished Tales Gods, the sky is oppressively grey The leaves are gone All I see are bare grey branches Winter is coming?   Nay. Winter is here. I see flecks of dull yellow leaves over 1100 Warburton It isn’t much The mist lifts. The walls of 1100 are dull and beige I look across and focus on a window Inside, someone hunches over her sink She turns round Does she meet my gaze? I retreat from the window I see a figure appear   and quickly fade along the trail behind 1100 I don’t see much Large thick black books lay stacked upon the coffee table I have read each one Past the door to my office My bookshelves are stacked.   Space is meager There is no place to secure my bricks of pages Before me is a dead black screen on a dead black dresser whose shelves are sealed shut with moisture Another plastic slab made for games stands dusty, unsused. Knickknacks, tcotchkes for children Bring softness to the coffee table A bouquet of eternal plastic flowers sit in a ceramic pot. Ther...

More Art Using Artificial Intelligence - Steampunk Edition.

Steampunk Freddy Krueger 01 Steampunk Freddy Krueger 02 Steampunk Freddy Krueger 03 Steampunk Inanna Rides a Zeppelin 01 Steampunk Inanna Rides a Zeppelin 02 Steampunk Inanna Rides a Zeppelin 03