Happy Blog-iversary!

It's been one year and seven days since my first blog involving a carpet and the long, winding history behind its design. Since then I've written about film, music, art, television, musicals, anime, cyborgs, artificial intelligence, quitting writing, resuming writing, meditation, contemplation, cogitation, good, evil, post-it notes... Oh, and Boba Fett. I can't forget Boba Fett. You may have also checked out my other blog page, The Inanna-verse, which deals with everything involving my scripts, art, comedy, and YouTube videos dedicated to the Sumerian goddess. I don't worship her. I swear. I don't worship anyone or anything. Except perhaps my own overblown ego. I've even had my wife Susan write a few guest blogs. There was one about the one season Cop Rock series and another about David Byrne's American Utopia on Broadway. The last one had the most feedback on this page. Needless to say, I'm jealous of my wife. Oh, there is another a...