
Showing posts from February, 2024

My Experience with Apple Vision Pro. A Latecomer's Review.

  This is late in the game to discuss the pros and cons of Apple Vision Pro, but I’m not a tech expert.   I’m just a blogger with interests ranging from anime to Legos to mythology to why I was looking under rocks to find one good thing about The Book of Boba Fett. So where was I?   Ah, yes.   The Apple Vision Pro. I arrived half an hour early to the demo I scheduled at my local Apple Store to try on this device and go on a - not virtual reality… not augmented reality… but a spatial computing experience!   In previous emails, they asked me about if I wore glasses (I do) and asked basic questions as to whether I’m near or farsighted (bit of both).   The expert (let’s call him “Steve”)   took me to a semicircular demo space and asked for my glasses.   I handed them over and he walked quietly over to a device I originally thought was a coffee machine.   No.   It was to scan my lenses in greater detail so I could have lenses calibrated to my...

Happy Lego Lunar New Year!

  February 10th, 2024 has arrived, and with it I have officially completed IRVING!  Yes, Irving the Auspicious New Year Dragon.  In truth, I had finished him several days before, but as a symbolic personal gesture, I did not affix the plaque (seen in lower third of photo) until today. I named the dragon Irving (Full name Irving Long), when a joke made by comedian Jon Stewart crossed my thoughts unbidden.  Jon was making up the name of a law firm with two WASPy names and one stereotypically “Jewish” name.  “Williams, Flagstone… and OOIIIIVIIINNNGG!” said Mr. Stewart. Irving, thought I.  Yes, Irving.  It’s a nice sanguine salt-of-the-earth name.  Not a mighty name normally associated with a dragon, but I liked the juxtaposition.  As mentioned above, his full name is Irving Long.  The word “long” is Mandarin for the giant, divine serpent erroneously referred to by we Western folk as a “dragon,” since we had no other cultural analogue. In fa...

Lego, or, My Edifice Complex

I think it’s time I spoke about my “edifice complex.” I refer to my avocation with Lego models. It began on a day in late December, 2019, after seeing my least favorite Star Wars film, “The Rise of Skywalker.” I DO NOT LIKE THIS FILM! I was put off by its disjointed lack of structure and technique.   I was repelled by the unneeded return of a villain from the past.   I had seen it the day before with Susan and our two friends, Lily and Liz.   I was seeing it that day with Susan, her sister Mary Grace, and Mary Grace’s family, the Hansons. I DO LOVE THESE PEOPLE!  THESE ARE GOOD PEOPLE!   HONEST AS THE DAY IS LONG! At the Hansen’s place, I got to see Mary Grace’s elaborate Star Wars-themed Lego collection.   Collection is an understatement.   I saw set pieces of the Death Star trench, the Sarlaac Pit, the Battle of Hoth - I lose track from the top of my head the complex Lego-scape. PHOTO NOT AVAILABLE.  SORRY. Mary Grace and I had a civil disc...