It all began with a post-it. Yeah, I'm particularly fond of this doodle. I consider it my last attempt at creating true art. If you see the date, I sketched it out on April 1, 2004. The date means nothing. I was nobody's fool, unless I was fooling myself into thinking I could make fine art. Usually, a preliminary sketch such as the one above is used for a final composition - be it water color, tempera, or oil paint. But twenty years later, something entered my life that I did not anticipate. A company called OpenAI created an online program called Chat GPT. With this, you could ask for food recipes, fun facts about the Roman Empire, or some random character like the superhero Sharky, the toothbrush using Shark that encourages kids to brush their teeth. Something like that. It can also be used to write outlines to screenplays, among other features. I'm an amateur screenwriter. I pride myself on banging out a scene in the space of five minutes, al...