The Trial of John Joyce Baker

I. M. Taskmaster, Attorney at Law

Last night, I dreamt that I was in a dark room with some kind of judge or attorney or other authority figure.  It had a computer monitor for a face with some kind of digital code running down its façade.  It said to me, “There is only one way to prove you were not complicit in this crime.  Bring this basket of laundry downstairs.  If a single item in it turns out to be missing, your sentence will not be light.”  

How is the burden of proof on the defendant?

I took the basket and walked out of the dark room with great trepidation.  Then I noticed small items like socks and wallets were falling out.  I frantically picked them up.  Then I noticed there was a tear in the plastic of the basket.  I realized that no matter how much attention I paid to the contents of the basket, something may fall out without my knowing about it.  I realized the scales of justice were tipped against me.  When I woke up, I realized I had one of my persecution dreams.


Big Brother is judging you.


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