Dream: Vána, Goddess of Confections (A Tolkien Inspired Dream).

What began as a dream about the Incredible Hulk became a dream about a young goddess named Vána (a Tolkien Valier).  In this dream she is a goddess of plentiful food and confectionery.

The dream begins with David Banner in the process of transforming into the Hulk.  At the same time, I am “editing” the story.  I decide Banner is changing too soon in the story.  He should be rescuing a damsel in distress while trying to avoid a gang of thugs.  Banner finds the damsel trapped in a bedroom on the top floor of a suburban house.  He frees her, but as they go down the steps, the thugs jump them.  They restrain Banner while they run off with the damsel, this triggers Banner’s transformation into the Hulk.  He thrashes the thugs restraining him and he chases down the fleeing car holding the damsel.  Banner pulls the damsel free from the car and carries her off.

That evening, they are in bed together.  They did not have sex.  Banner is in a conservative set of pajamas and the damsel is in a long nightgown.  The two read from a children’s story book and look at each other fondly at the end of a verse.

The scene shifts to a young white bluesman performing for a small club.  He says he comes from a small town called Atheist in Georgia.  “You can tell we had a lot of undue attention from our neighbors from other towns.”  The audience laughs, all but for one zealous man who calls the bluesman an apostate and throws Bic razors at him.  “Choke on these!” said the zealot.

The following day, the bluesman is found dead floating in a stream.  Clues lead the police to the zealot’s home.  He protests his innocence and runs to the back of his house.  I am waiting there.  I grab the zealot and throw him in turn into the stream, where he drowns.  The neighbors call him a martyr and try to have me arrested…

but the scene changes AGAIN.  This time to a view of the Earth from the moon.  A disembodied narrator says, “And unto Yavanna and Aulë a daughter was born.  They named her Vána.  Vána loved collecting fruit during harvest time and crafting them into confections.  While Vána did share her bounty with the peoples of the world, she did save a small hoard of which she would indulge for herself.  Vána remained ever youthful, ever slender.  She never grew corpulent from her indulgence.”

Eventually Vána’s mother Yavanna finds for her daughter a job at a bakery.  Vána does a great job, but her indulgences in the pantry make her lose her job.  Yavanna finds her a job a at a catering service with the same results.  Eventually and inexplicably, Vána’s father Aulë enrolls her in college where she becomes a majorette for the college football marching band.  At one home game, a large, heavy float shaped like the prow of a large ship appears behind the marching band as they perform on the gridiron.  The float comes loose from its moorings and proceeds to topple towards the marching band.  People in the bleachers scream in terror.  Vána, demonstrating incredible speed, snatches her band mates out from under the collapsing float and saves them all.  No one realizes it was her, but they cheer for the safety of the marching band all the same.

The scene shifts again where Vána find employment at a nightclub run by Aulë.  Aulë is approached by a sketchy character and his son.  They wish to meet Vána and offer her a job at a larger venue.  Aulë refuses the offer.  They contrive to try and make Aulé sign a contract at a table in front of the music stage of his nightclub.  Aulë refuses to sign anything unless it is in his office.  He realizes that the father and son team are trying to blackmail him (?) and orders them to leave.

The sketchy father and son operation then proceed to sabotage Aulë and Vána’s nightclub by spreading rumors and lies about tainted food, pest infestation, and Vána sexually propositioning customers.  In time Aulé meets with the two swindlers under the pretense of accepting their terms to hand over Vána.  Vána offers to make them a meal and gradually makes the swindlers gorged on one serving after another.  The two men eventually collapse and Charon the Boatman carries them across the Styx to the Underworld.

I woke up at 4 am.


  1. How is it that your dreams are these long epic action films while mine are dreary reruns about running late for work?

    1. Why are your dreams these relatable, slice of life, award winning indie films while mine are overwrought, high budget, lowbrow fantasy epics akin to Quantumania?

    2. I suppose we’ll always envy each other’s subconscious dream theaters.

    3. Speaking of dream theaters, I always wanted to pick up Dream Theater's first album. I first saw their video for "Pull Me Under" on MTV's Headbanger's Ball oh so many years ago...


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