The Oldest Trick in the Book.

When you work in the complaint office of the police department, you become wise to the many methods of identity theft. Many complainants came in with stories of receiving phone calls from dodgy characters claiming to be the FBI. These hucksters often say that they owe money to the government and if they don’t pay the outstanding amount by MoneyGram or another means of renumeration, they will be arrested. They often go after older people. People who aren’t well versed in the most recent forms of telephone robocalls. Younger folk fall for scams on the internet: Surprise gifts of the latest entertainment console. Students coming into the big city who reach out for apartment space to rent through sketchy sites like Craigslist are often given tours of a building and shown an apartment - only to find out later that they were given the wrong keys. Or they get a virtual tour of an apartment allegedly at a certain building with convenient subway and bus ...