AI Art: Inanna, with Her Sword in Its Sheath, Strays toward the Sunset.

It is odd that, after years of training as an artist and a painter, I find more satifaction out of creating art by feeding some keywords into an AI art program called MidJourney.  I was rewarded with fantastic images like the one you see above.

Sometimes I feel like a cheat and a fraud.  Other times, I feel nothing but love for the compostition I created with nothing more than "punch card" information.

Do I think AI will surpass the artists who draw on millennia of history and years of experience?  No, I do not.  Will art such as the one I "composed" above appear in a gallery or a museum?  The scales tip towards "doubtful."

I love this work just the same.




  1. I suppose what matters is if we like the resulting art and give it the proper credit to the AI and the keywords used.

    1. I wonder if its any different from listing the medium applied to a traditional artist in a gallery or museum exhibit. "Gioconda, Monna Lisa," Leonardo da Vinci, (c. 1503 - 1506,) MEDIUM: Oil on Lombardy poplar panel. Ergo, "Inanna, with Her Sword in Its Sheath, Strays toward the Sunset," John Joyce Baker, (2022,) MEDIUM: Electronic graphics with MidJourney application. Naturally, I'm nowhere near in greatness or influence to the most renowned artist of the Renaissance era, but will electronic graphics ever be seen as a medium on par with oil on Lombardy poplar panel? I guess we will debate that for another 400-500 years. If Marcel DuChamp can sign a urinal "R. Mutt" and present it as art, why not a digital image?

    2. I just thought of the perfect response to my comparison of my MidJourney AI art with Marcel Duchamp's "Fountain."
      "I'd sooner piss on your artwork than anything by Marcel DuChamp."


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