
This April, I took a walk along the Aqueduct Trail near my home.  I was taken by the first light green leaves that arched over the path.

Every time I see the light green leaves at the beginning of spring, I am filled with a sense of home.  The godawful chill and razor sharp winds of the winter are replaced with a balmy calmness.  I no longer feel the need to shield myself from the elements with layers of clothing and I can amble along the streets and trails with just the necessary amount of clothing - the closest I can go au naturale.

Here then are some photos of the virgin green and the pink blossoms I encountered on a sunny 78⁰ day in early April.



  1. Where is that cave on the Aqueduct Trail? I don’t remember seeing that!

    1. They recently cleared some brush and built a small path so you can get a better look at the cave. I don't know if the path has officially been opened yet, given the slow shuffle of bureaucracy, but it's someplace I'd like to check out soon.

    2. We can walk there this weekend.


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