I Am Afeared of the Sun.
In the summer, the sun is my loving friend. The sun is a radiant beacon which, by illusion, is suspended in the aquatic blue sky. It blesses me with a warmth so intense, that I retreat to the pool in my building to temper its heat with cool water. It is a pleasant relationship.
HOWEVER, in autumn and winter, the sun becomes a little distant in our relationship. It ducks out of the sky faster than I have time to appreciate it. An unwelcome wind bites my skin, even through the ever increasing layers of clothing. The sky turns a mocking cobalt, forbidding rather than nurturing. The sun changes its mood, and it intimidates me.
So I hide in the bunker of my home, no longer lured into the open. I look out the large window of my apartment and I learn to fear the sun. The sun demands I stay home.
O, Great Sol Invictus, how have I offended thee? Is it because I only see our union as a May to September romance. Is it my fickleness, my shallowness that rankles you? We will reunite once again, next spring, when you are of a better temperament.
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